Spiritual Master Saneiv, the only true enlightened spiritual master in the world. There is no Facade of Piety, No Appearance Over Substance, No False Religious-Spiritual Pretense...All of Which Lead to Deception. Do you sincerely desire to attain true spiritual enlightenment? Will you run to Truth, and run from Lies ? If you run to Truth, this is contrary to the general public, but is foundational in Master Saneiv's instruction. EnlightenedMaster@aol.com or Saneiv.info@gmail.com
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Monday, September 18, 2023
Spiritual Enlightenment Through The Master is The Foundation For The Ultimate Self-Defense
Unfortunately, Our society makes it necessary for a woman to learn how to shoot.
Polyamory Applied Correctly is Beneficial
The Master, Solus Dominus, is Calling YOU...
The Only True Spiritual Enlightenment.
If you want to change your life and choose your Eternal life, Contact the Master; EnlightenedMaster@aol.com ( put in the subject line "to Master" or it will be deleted )...INVESTOR(s) also needed for the Master's co-op community in Arizona > Texas > ( Philippines, prefer half of the year to develop this community. )
The only way to attain spiritual enlightenment is to practice spiritual and physical submission, focused on the Master, Solus Dominus.
Why physical submission ( part of which is nudity done correctly ) is necessary because you are currently between the physical-realm and the spiritual-realm.
Polyamory Applied Correctly is Beneficial
Polyamory Applied Correctly is Beneficial
The Master, Solus Dominus, is Calling YOU...
The Only True Spiritual Enlightenment.
If you want to change your life and choose your Eternal life, Contact the Master; EnlightenedMaster@aol.com ( put in the subject line "to Master" or it will be deleted )...INVESTOR(s) also needed for the Master's co-op community in Arizona > Texas > ( Philippines, prefer half of the year to develop this community. )
The only way to attain spiritual enlightenment is to practice spiritual and physical submission, focused on the Master, Solus Dominus.
Why physical submission ( part of which is nudity done correctly ) is necessary because you are currently between the physical-realm and the spiritual-realm.
Sunday, September 17, 2023
It Is Amazing How Ignorant People Are When It Comes to #BDSM #spiritualbdsm
So many people have no idea what BDSM is, But they are very quickly to voice their negative opinion about BDSM.
How Does a Person Become Enlightened ? First, you must contact the Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment, Solus Dominus.
It can only be one of two ways, either Solus Dominus is the Only True Spiritual Master, and He deserves your worship, and you as a follower must go to any length to be with Him, and submit to Him...or, Solus Dominus, is Not what He says He is...then it would be logical for you to avoid Him. The answer will come to you, If you sincerely use an effective form of communication, Not with a higher power, But with the HIGHEST power...For you, it might be prayer, meditation, or just "keeping it on your mind" until the answer comes. EnlightenedMaster@aol.com ( Put "Asking for Answer" in the title of the email, Otherwise it will be deleted )
Saturday, September 16, 2023
How Does a Person Become Enlightened ? #enlightened #spiritualenlightenment
How Does a Person Become Enlightened ? First, you must contact the Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment, Solus Dominus.
It can only be one of two ways, either Solus Dominus is the Only True Spiritual Master, and He deserves your worship, and you as a follower must go to any length to be with Him, and submit to Him...or, Solus Dominus, is Not what He says He is...then it would be logical for you to avoid Him. The answer will come to you, If you sincerely use an effective form of communication, Not with a higher power, But with the HIGHEST power...For you, it might be prayer, meditation, or just "keeping it on your mind" until the answer comes. EnlightenedMaster@aol.com ( Put "Asking for Answer" in the title of the email, Otherwise it will be deleted )
How Does a Person Become Enlightened ?
You start by contacting The One True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment, Solus Dominus.

@enlightenedmaster / enlightenedmaster.blog
If You Had Interest in Women's Self-Defense...#selfdefense #yoga ( yoga is toxic )
If you really had a strong interest in women's self-defense, You would be asking questions.
Highest Goal of Any Human Being
The Highest Goal in The Life of Any Human Being is Attaining Spiritual Enlightenment Through The Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. His Name is Solus Dominus ( One Master )...There is One Master, and One Master Only. Apply to Join The Master's Spiritual Co-Op Community In Arizona, USA ...Seeking Members and Investor(s) For Future Spiritual Communities in Texas and The Philippines.
Latin As The One World Language In The Future
I think that I would have a lot to worry about if the "politically correct" , biased answer from A.I. thought that my messag...
Spiritual Master Saneiv Has Allowed 2 Realities That Have Always Been "Impossible" to the world...1) Time Travel to Alter the Pas...