Spiritual Master Saneiv, the only true enlightened spiritual master in the world. There is no Facade of Piety, No Appearance Over Substance, No False Religious-Spiritual Pretense...All of Which Lead to Deception. Do you sincerely desire to attain true spiritual enlightenment? Will you run to Truth, and run from Lies ? If you run to Truth, this is contrary to the general public, but is foundational in Master Saneiv's instruction. EnlightenedMaster@aol.com or Saneiv.info@gmail.com
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Sorry Feminists, Nothing Will Ever Change, Female Beauty Will ALWAYS Be Highly Valued by Men
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Female Beauty is Connected to the Spiritual-Realm , If you are also connected to the one and only true spiritual Master, Saneiv.
Female Beauty is Connected to the Spiritual-Realm , If you are also connected to the one and only true spiritual Master, Saneiv.
Briana Smith in Slow Motion | One Of The Most Beautiful Women In The World |
Yogi Bhajan Was Full of Crap ! | Con Men Teaching Nonsense
The sad part is that, even though it was well-known that Kundalini / Kundalini Yoga is a cult, people are still following this nonsense. Do these people do any degree of investigating what they are getting involved in. In some ways, I get it. When I was 12 years old, I started taking Judo lessons, and I didn't research the history of Judo before I joined...But I was 12 years old, Not an adult.
Briana Smith | One Of The Most Beautiful Women In The World | Highest Form of Natural Art.
Briana Smith in Slow Motion | One Of The Most Beautiful ( and fit )Women In The World |
Friday, June 28, 2024
Spiritual Enlightenment | Enlightened Master | #EnlightenedMaster
Master Saneiv Will Teach You How To Attain Spiritual Enlightenment, But Enlightenment will not be served to you on a silver platter.
The Master's Definition and Practice of Sacrament;
Spiritual sign, symbol and/or action, in which a spiritual
power is transmitted through material / physical elements
as channels of divine grace and love.
I have permission from the UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY, Swannanoa, Waynesboro, Virginia to use any part of the intellectual property of Walter Russell, including, but not limited to the book The Universal One.
An exact science of the One visible and invisible universe
of Mind and the registration of all idea of thinking Mind
in light, which is matter and also energy ...
Thursday, June 27, 2024
Master Saneiv Will Teach You How To Attain Spiritual Enlightenment Through Body-Mind-Spirit
Master Saneiv Will Teach You How To Attain Spiritual Enlightenment Through Body-Mind-Spirit...Both Infinite ( Eternal )
The Master's Definition and Practice of Sacrament;
Spiritual sign, symbol and/or action, in which a spiritual
power is transmitted through material / physical elements
as channels of divine grace and love.
Monday, June 17, 2024
Master Saneiv Has No Pretense of Piety. There is no such thing as "Unconditional Love"
Here's a message for Humankind, and it's an urgent request, ( and this request is NOT asking for money ), If You Are a Christian ( or Would Like To Be a REAL Christian ), Then this is what you MUST do, and not put it off. Analyze this proposal, pray about it, then step out in faith and join the one and only true spiritual master in the world. When I use the term "faith" , it does not mean "blind faith"...You will always be able to come and go as you please. This is where Biblical Christianity and the pure light, love and God meet in the spiritual-realm, But also on earth. Master Saneiv resides in Arizona. There are only 2 true spiritual vortexes on earth. One is in Arizona ( But definitely not Sedona, Az. ) , and the other is in the Philippines. ( so far not located or tapped, But through spiritual revelation and vision, The fact is that it is there, and it needs to be explored and opened for the benefit to humanity, At least for the believers in Master Saneiv. Saneiv.info@gmail.com
Sunday, June 2, 2024
If a Mantra Does Not Originate With The One True Spiritual Master, Then It is a Waste of Time
You are trying to mix the physical-realm with the spiritual-realm.
If a Mantra does not originate with the one true spiritual
master of enlightenment, Solus Dominus, Then it is a complete
waste of time, it’s irrelevant nonsense. Learn true enlightenment,
and hundreds of other “contrarian” teachings.
There are no multiple / plural spiritual masters or gurus. Saneiv is the ONE Spiritual Master in the world. Attain true spiritual enlightenment and be a key figure in attaining World Peace, once enlightened through Saneiv. Master is located in Arizona, USA...Saneiv.info@gmail.com
The Master is a *Contrarian*, So don't expect *conformist* answers to life's biggest questions.
The government needs to stop this crap and throw these people in prison for life.
But we have a vice president in the United States that started a link in Minnesota donating funds to make sure that the violent antifa rioters would never do any jail time.
Latin As The One World Language In The Future
I think that I would have a lot to worry about if the "politically correct" , biased answer from A.I. thought that my messag...
Spiritual Master Saneiv Has Allowed 2 Realities That Have Always Been "Impossible" to the world...1) Time Travel to Alter the Pas...