One Master has been chosen.
Do you run to the Truth, or do you run from the Truth ?
Society is drowning in Information, While starving for Wisdom. This is one of the reasons why we are living in the Age of Deception.
According to Politically Correctness, We should ignore Facts and Truth and embrace their doctrine of “right is wrong, and wrong is right”... ( This will be the new blog )
The Master is Contrarian. If you are a follower of a false teacher, so-called guru, etc. , usually through the "new age melting pot", and have been indoctrinated and content with the "popular" so-called spiritual benefits of Yoga and Meditation ( which, in reality, are extremely Toxic and are of no benefit...even the ( physical ) stretching methods and poses are not worth the risk of being involved in Yoga. Truth is very seldom "popular", and the fact that Yoga and Meditation ( as being currently taught around the world ), are very popular, should be a red flag...The "sheeple" usually lack discernment and insight, and the Yoga and Meditation instructors at the top of the pyramid, or the leader of one of the many cults that are Yoga and Meditation based, are nothing but the Spiritually Blind Leading, Leading The Spiritually Blind ...Solus Dominus